October 6, 2014

100 Things to do In Prison

Last week, a friend of mine began asking me questions about prison. He closed our call by asking me to quickly name 100 Things to do in Prison. I asked him to write down my answers as I began rattling them off. My quick responses follow:

100. Bocce Ball

99. Play tennis

98. Get married

97. Write a book

96. Sleep 18-hours a day

95. Fast

94. Ice Cream for Breakfast

93. Make fun of guards for guarding, not correcting

92. Read a book a day

91. Build your vocabulary

90. Teach a class

89. Complain, all day

88. Blame the judge for your plight in life

87. Blame the prosecutor for your plight in life

86. Blow 300 phone minutes in 7 days

85. Spend your whole commissary limit in one shopping

84. Visit

83. Get divorced

82. Go to the hole aka SHU.

81. Use a cell phone, then watch you get locked up and sent to a medium security prison

80. Snitch

79. Talk to the guards

78. Smuggle out a hard boiled egg from the chow hall and get sent to the hole

77. Change the channel in TV room and get reprimanded by Big Homie in TV room.

76. fall into a state of depression when football season ends

75. fail a drug test

74. cry about not getting enough halfway house time

73. Become a paralegal

72. Become a jailhouse lawyer

71. Layout

70. learn to cut food without the benefit of a knife

69. get sent to a higher security prison

68. gamble

67. teach

66. play music

65. get a chair dropped on your head for cutting in line

64. learn how the BOP makes money of the backs of prisoners

63. secure a job in the halfway house

62. laugh as men talk about the money they have while wondering why they have no $ for commissary

61. get fatter

60. get slimmer

59. buy into the rumors about legislative relief

58. ignore your family

57. sit for hours watching the clock tick

56. complain about the rationing of toilet paper

55. wake early to find peace while dorm sleeps

54. learn to sleep through any noise or smell

53. watch in disbelief as you work in kitchen with men who questioned existence of Holocaust

52. create a plan to reach thousands of people

51. spend 20 minutes getting the cheapest floss ever made out of your teeth

50. nearly break your leg while jumping down from top bunk

49. watch in disbelief as guards need 2 attempts to get accurate count for census count

48. watch in disbelief as guards need 4 attempts to get accurate count for census count

47. exercise without weights

46. learn a second language

45. enroll in a community college

44. contribute to University research projects

43. trade the stock market

42. wonder who put up platitudes on the fence on the softball field about “helping offenders prepare for re-entry”

41. look like a science experiment when they run the troubled high schoolers through the dorm to show what could be in “store for them”

40. appreciate the wonderful songs prisoners sing on holidays

39. watch men freak out if their dorm does not win the cleanliness inspection

38. learn to public speak

37. see prisoners struggle due to totally inadequate medical attention

36. learn benefits of being a loner

35. loathe men who watch the Kardashians and Sons of Anarchy all day, then call home to complain how hard prison is

34. enroll in RDAP

33. get a bachelors degree

32. get a master defree

31. get a PHD

30. suffer from Stockholm Syndrome

29. have the best meal of your life

28. Outcrew

27. develop perspective on life

26. learn the prisoners who say they did not cooperate, cooperated

25. pay men to do your work

24.watch in disbelief as guards need 7 attempts to get accurate count for census count

23. see almost every tattoo imaginable

22. watch men not want to leave

21. see men return only to say, “ain’t no chances coming for a felon”

20. learn how much you can actually do with a book of stamps

19. learn to live out of a small locker

18. embrace having to listen to unsolicited advice

17. find joy in reading the LA times from the previous week

16. bingo

15. wonder if this will ever end

14. interview fellow prisoners

13. escape

12. become obsessed with Ayn Rand

11.wonder why taxpayers are so disinterested in our systems of corrections that makes failures of so many

10.find joy in scrubbing pots and pans in the chow hall

9. drop friends in an instant if their plan does not align with yours

8. learn to tell your story with precision

7. become an expert in something

6. obsess over how you will tell your unborn children you went to prison

5. dream

4. reclaim my dignity and self esteem

3. learn to love living without an iPhone, text and email

2.learn to think like an underdog

1. access daily whether my actions align with my values and goals


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