February 27, 2015

A Little Help in Federal Prison

I was told by more than one person if you want to help yourself, try helping others. I thought that I had lived my life helping others, but that was just a half-truth. I helped others ( mostly family and friends ) when it was convenient for Me to do so. I could have been much more generous with my time if I truly wanted to be.

As I entered federal prison, I assumed that there would be very few opportunities to help others. (indeed, I was someone looking for help as opposed to someone being able to give it)

In any event, I have found some opportunities to help others at Jesup FSL.

I am currently reviewing and editing a book drafted by a fellow prisoner that I have known for only 3 weeks. The author was in my public speaking class, and we talked for the first time several weeks ago. He told me he was writing a book at that time but I thought nothing of it until yesterday, when he approached me and asked me to review it. I explained that I was not qualified to perform such a service. He insisted, stating that he had listened to me in class and thought I could help him with his book.
Imagine spending 2 and 1/2 years in prison writing a novel and then handing over your only copy to some guy you met 3 weeks ago to critique your work. (This can only happen in Prison?)

I honored his request and I am now reading “Had I Known; The Tearful Testimony of an immigration Kingpin”. I am only 25 pages into the novel, but the story involves a native of Nigeria who moves to the US, graduates from college, and starts a “Match Making” Business for Nigerian citizens and American citizens. You can see where this is going, The Government obviously viewed the Author’s “Match Making ” services as immigration fraud. (get married and get a green card?)
The book also has a heavy religious undertone as the author is a very religious person.

It feels good to help out a total stranger, even if that stranger happens to be a fellow prisoner. If I may offer some prison advice, I would encourage others incoming prisoners to do the same.

I will keep you posted on my new position, Editor.

Ken Flaska

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