I’m accustomed to today being a busy day for myself and my clients, Black Friday in the retail and wholesale world marks the beginning of the XMas selling season and a time of action and non stop work.  I certainly will be missing that here and it seems to throw my equilibrium off, waking up early and having no place to go or clients to speak with or projections to watch, it is off putting.

This year I will be an observer, and not even a good one at that due to the lack of access I have to real numbers and current news.  The good news is I do know that this time of year always goes quickly, on the outside, so I’m hopeful it will do likewise in here too.  The markers will be different in here and i will have to stay focused to see them and recognize them but I’m sure they will be there.  It’s all about the time counting down now, and I am anxious that the downside will go faster than the first 90 days.

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