July 27, 2015

Consequences (Ripple Effects)

As I stated last week, I am going to address some of the ripple effects of my crime has caused over and above the obvious financial loss attributable to my actions.

1. Damage to the reputation of my victims.

2. Damage to the reputation of my former employer.

3. Job losses and pay cuts at my former employer.

4. A feeling of betrayal and loss of trust by employees of my victims and my former colleagues.

5. Civil lawsuits related to my actions.

6. Damage to the reputation of lawyers in general.

7. Financial and emotional hardship on my family.

8. Continuous embarrassment for my remaining friends who feel compelled to defend Me in various business and social settings.

9. Removal of my family from their home, their community and their friends.

10. Destroying My son’s image of his father and showing him that I am a hypocrite.

11. Wasting hundreds of hours of other peoples time to sort through the mess I created.

This is just the tip of the iceberg with respect to my ripple effects. If I was able to understand all of this 10 years ago, I suspect things would have turned out much better for a number of people including me.

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