November 6, 2014

Federal Prison Advice Commercial Script

Below is the script I wrote for the Federal Prison Advice commercial. I deviated a bit while speaking as any speaker would be prone to do. Still, this covers most of it. I will post video as soon as I get it back.

“Hello, my name is Justin Paperny, founder of Federal Prison Advice. If you are trapped in the system I might be able to help.

As my documented track record proves, I have traveled down the road you are on today, and I have proudly reached my desired destination. I am here to shorten your learning curve, manage your losses and help you create a path to success.

Quickly, for some background, in 2005, I learned that the FBI and SEC were investigating me for securities violations and that I was facing up to 5 years in federal prison. Feeling overwhelmed I spent months engaged in self-destructive behavior, and practically lived on the Internet searching for help. I knew a longer prison term, additional financial penalties, and more government press releases were in my future if I did not actively work to solve my problems.

Instead of finding help, however, I found so called “prison experts”. These characters were distasteful, bordering on sleaze in their approach to giving guidance. Equally as troubling were the former prison guards turned consultants. How could people who never mastered the system or imprisonment help me? I asked each one to explain what was in it for me if I hired them, and to identify 3 measurable outcomes we could achieve. None could.

With the help of my friend Michael Santos, I established Federal Prison Advice as an alternative resource for defendants, their families and defense attorneys who want to learn. We are not attorneys nor do we offer legal advice. Rather, we’re individuals who’ve proceeded through the criminal justice system, but returned to society strong, with our dignity & families intact.

Since 2008, our products and programs have empowered countless individuals through the system, while providing the perfect combination of knowledge, guidance and strategy. Our clients frequently tell us the lessons they learned were life changing, not only in preparing for the journey ahead, but also in restoring the confidence and dignity the system seems designed to extinguish. Our testimonials proudly prove this claim.

My primary goal here was simply to convey that proven strategies do exist, and to show why you must constantly be working to manage the fallout. To help you maximize your efforts and put these strategies to use I will be giving away a number of free training videos. In addition to the strategies, I will cover RDAP, PSI, life in prison, halfway house and more. For now, sign up to get more information on our programs, subscribe to our YouTube channel, or call us now to get more info.

Justin Paperny”


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