November 7, 2014

I am splitting up my businesses. Since my release from prison I have had one company–Etika–manage both my consulting and speaking business., it is not hard to figure out, will proudly promote our online courses, books and coaching programs for people trapped in the system. This site, Etika, will be changed to only reflect my corporate speaking career. My speaking business continues to be steady, and I think it wise to separate out what each business does. I am pleased to have my good friend Michael Santos assisting me with the development of I worked on a mission statement for the new company.

Mission statement:

“At Federal Prison Advice, we understand. Our clients know that their current predicament doesn’t define them. They’ve been charged with or convicted of criminal acts but they are not part of a criminal lifestyle. We provide defendants with the insight they need to work more effectively with defense counsel. If prison becomes part of the sanction, then we prepare them for the journey. Through our products and services, individuals understand steps they can take to ensure they serve the least amount of time in the best environment possible. We help our clients restore confidence, setting them on course to making better decisions for a more fulfilling life.”

I also filmed a new commercial for the site. I will post the video along with the transcript in my next blog. I will also share some of the marketing plans and steps I am taking to help both defendants and attorneys.

More to come!



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