August 5, 2014

Getting a Lawyer

As part of my prison advice services I offer suggestions on finding a lawyer that is best suited for your specific situation. I did just did a hangout on the subject. Some of the topics covered include:

  1. where are some of the best places to look for an attorney?
  2. Once you find one you may want to work with, how do you take your vetting process even deeper?
  3. How do you pay them–hourly, inclusively, a combination of both depending of the state of the investigation?
  4. What if I cannot afford an attorney?
  5. What type of cases does the firm represent?
  6. cost
  7. and more

Getting a lawyer that understands your needs and is willing to invest the time with you is essential to thriving through the criminal justice system. In my book, Lessons From Prison, I describe many of the mistakes I made in failing to work openly and honestly with councel. As a result I spent more money then I should have, and delayed the healing that should have started much sooner. Regardless of the lawyer you hire, you must be prepared to work openly and honestly with them. Gain and profit from my experience.

If I can be of service to you in getting a lawyer that is in your price range, let me know. I can be reached lawyer at 818-424-2220 or by email at

Justin Paperny


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