July 26, 2015

Getting Adjusted In Federal Prison

I have been here for 5 days now. The first day was a little tense. New place, new faces and new rules to learn. I live on the second floor and share a 4 bunk room with only one other bunky. She is a wonderful helpful lady that has been here for a while and unless she wins ger appeal will be here several years even after I leave. I have been received well by the other ladies in my building. They have all proven to be extremely helpful and kind. The stereotypes that we are shown on tv and hear from those that have not been in a federal women’s prison has yet to be validated. Before coming in I was extremely apprehensive and quite frankly anxious. But I prayed every step of the way. God put me with a good pool of women.

Texas is extremely hot. Thank God for an air conditioned building! The problem is everything that I have to do is in the main building and its a little hike! I have not walked this much since i was in high school. I have not eaten sweets since I surrendered. But let me share this there is no shortage of delicacies because the talented and creative women of Carswell can make the most creative meals and deserts. Last night various groups were having a cheesecake bakeoff. There are no microwaves only hot water. There are no refrigerators only the creativity of using the ice machines. My first night here I thought I would have to resort to nibbling small pieces of my arm. That’s how hungry I was. Luckily, one of the ladies so graciously shared with me a pack of ramien noodles. I mixed them with some lemon juice and I thought I had ordered carryout from olive garden.

Being here for this short time has caused me to search deep inside my soul and ask God for contentment, peace and joy despite my imprisonment. Although I am imprisoned in my mind I am NOT a prisoner. I pray, read my scriptures and meditate. I am in constant thought about how I can make myself a better person as I serve my sentence. Next week I will be signing up for classes. Trust me I am being very methodical and strategic as to what classes and activities I engage in. Everything I do has to be in alignment with positivity and not negativity. The classes I take in take in federal prison will have to offer a tangible benefit as I prepare for my eventual completion of my time.

The lesson for today is faith. Everyday I must renew and rejuvenate my faith. I do not look at the totality of the time I must be here instead I focus on filling my days with activities that will assist me as I successfully navigate the waters at the Carswell Federal Medical Center as inmate number 19677-026.

It is never too late to start preparing…Download Lessons From Prison Now to discover what is truly possible in federal prison.

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