October 3, 2014

Endorsement From Federal Prison

I am grateful to have received an endorsement from Federal Prison. My client, Christian Ounaniam, who offered a testimonial earlier this year, wrote me a message to both thank me and summarize his early adjustment in federal prison.

As a former prisoner, I understand the costs associated with this process. Writing tear stained checks to lawyers, lost income, press releases from the DOJ which crushes your reputation and totally impugns your character, the cost of living in prison, and so on makes this an expensive process both in dollars and character.

As I did before surrendering to prison I encourage people who reach out to me view this as a cost/benefit analysis. As a side note, I remember reading a book in prison by Zig Ziglar. He said one should never use the word “cost.” But all we do in life is a cost/benefit. The cost of my facilitating a fraud while working at UBS versus the benefit of making $100K in commissions a months of off my duplicitous client. The cost of waking early to run 10 miles in prison versus the benefit of feeling strong and regaining my self esteem.

To Christian and my clients, despite the urgings from Mr.Ziglar who I love, I do ask them to weigh the costs/benefits of retaining me. Those that see it as an investment in their family, health, and future easily draw the conclusion and we move forward. Some, I will admit need more time. Great! I encourage to them vet, vet, vet. I do not just send a link to testimonials for them to review, (frankly I know of some consultants that write their own), I put them on the phone with existing clients who can easily attest to the value I provide.

Whether you are serving a sentence of one-year of six-years you have an obligation to your family to adjust well and avoid the pitfalls that derail so many. After you have adjusted well and after we have created a measurable and specific plan, we can advance to the next phase, which can be as difficult as the actual prison term: coming home.

My new endorsement from federal prison follows:

“I would just like to tell you thank you for all the consulting that you have provided and proved extremely effective. I was so happy of all the knowledge I knew coming into this institution. Your blogs from Taft Camp helped and so did your videos but the knowledge that came from our weekly calls, texts and emails was invaluable. You told me when I hired you that I should look at it as an investment not an expense. I believed it then and now more than ever. You were right. I am so happy to report a successful entry into prison, and now I must have a successful exit into society, though it’s a bit away. One thing that I remembered deeply that you said is when a new arrival comes here what they do one day one and two and three is the same thing they will probably be doing 4 years from now when they have 3 days left. I took that to heart. I’ve also noticed those who came here not knowing what to expect, and they quickly make the wrong friends, break rules that are easy to break if you do not know any better. So many begin playing cards, and to this day this minute they are still on the card table playing cards. In my case, within the first four hours of arrival, I already had myself issued into my greens, and made good contacts. Also I began reading the very first day here and walking. On day 2, I began the day with a five mile walk, and lived in the library till night time. From that day on, my day begins with a walk on the track, which helps me clear my head and get fresh air into my lungs, I finish my chores before 7am, and I’m in the library by 730am writing, reading, and studying accounting. With your guidance I am writing to my network all of the time, and as you advised I am already planning for that job in the halfway house and beyond. I have clear and concise goals of keeping up my fitness, emotional, spiritual, intellectual well being. If you would like to use this email for a testimonial, you have my permission. Your friend, Chris O.”



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