
— My new schedule has me so busy, that I no longer have a minute of free time to do things like carve soap, or make personal cards for family. Let me just take you through my day today. I get up at 5:30a.m. to drink a cup of coffee and watch the news until about 6a.m. when I start to do my core workout (sit-ups, crunches, leg lifts, etc.) until 6:40 when the guards unlock our cell doors, that’s when I try to be the first one at the computer to hook up I iPad and download my emails and blogs before it gets too crowded. After I download my emails I go back up to my cell and do pushups until they call breakfast around 7:30. Before I leave for breakfast I wake up my celly, Kurt so he can use the restroom and get ready while I’m at breakfast, this way by the time I get back from breakfast around 7:45-8:00 Kurt is finished and I can get ready also. By the time I’m finished getting ready they usually call the yard open for recreation around 8:15, at which time I go directly to the track and run an average of 5 to 8 miles, which takes around an hour to accomplish. If I still have time left after my run, I exercise more by doing pull-ups on the bars, squats, or lunges until 9:40, when I head back to my cell to make it in the shower by 9:45. This is how tightly packed my schedule is every single day, which is why I know exactly what I need to be doing every minute of every hour. By 10a.m. I’m dried off, dressed and reading from my three spiritual books until 10:30, at which time I turn on my soothing sounds from Depak Chopra and do yoga until 11a.m., at which time they lock us back in our cells for head count. From 11 to 11:30 I shave, wash my face, brush my teeth and scrub the sink clean. After that I read some more until they unlock our cells again around 11:45. Now that I’m in horticulture I go directly to the chow hall for lunch, taking my books with me, from lunch I go directly to class. Monday through Friday I’m in class from 12:00 noon until 3:15p.m When I return to my cell from class I normally jump right into guitar practice, but today I couldn’t practice the guitar because I have to study for my first test tomorrow and I don’t even get much time to study because I have F.O.C.U.S. class every Thursday night that Kurt and I are committed to attend for the next thirteen weeks. So I studied until 5p.m. at which time we have to stand for count. Now that count is over, this is the time I’m writing in my blog right now. At 5:30 we’ll being going to dinner chow and immediately after that we will be going to F.O.C.U.S. class until about 8p.m. Now usually I would return from class, finally having my first opportunity to relax and watch Big Brother on television, but tonight studying is more important than some show. No matter how much I want to rest and watch one of my favorite shows on TV. I WILL ace this test tomorrow, and not just this test, but every test after that and until I’m awarded a master certification in horticulture at the end of the year. And you can take that to the bank!


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