My mom just learned that this article was posted to the website but due to some technical problem never was sent to subscribers in June.  So, please excuse the delay.

A few weeks back, my dear friend and colleague Georgette Pascale – President of Pascale Communications – asked me to pen an article for their website. She has been following my blog and we have been communicating via JPay. She asked me if I would write about how I have managed to maintain both professional and personal communications while serving my sentence here at Taft Federal Prison Camp.I met Georgette through my work with Glaukos (thank you Chris!) and we hit it off immediately – both professionally and personally. She is an amazing individual and I have nothing but praise for the communications/PR company she has built. They are passionate, effective, on message, accessible, fun to work with – and incredibly cost effective. If you need assistance in the health care space with communications – whether consumer or professional – I encourage you to check them out at!

Thanks for the opportunity, Georgette!  You are the best!!!

The following is the article titled “A Mentor Shares Communication Skills and Life Lessons.”

David Applegate

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