We were allowed to watch the Super bowl in it’s entirety last Sunday night! We sat outside on the pavilion and it was really cold. I was happy to get back to the unit to warm up after the game. I enjoyed the Denver victory as I felt compelled to support the old guy, Peyton Manning. I thought the half time show was great. As usual, the commercials were all over the map. My favorite was the Audi commercial featuring the R-8 (no surprise) and the Doritos’ commercial featuring the baby ultrasound. I missed the Puppy-Monkey-Baby commercial that allot of guys were talking about.

I returned to the weight pile this week after being on medical idle for two months because of my finger surgery. I went out with a guy from my unit who spends a substantial amount of time there. I figured He could teach Me a few things to help an old man stay in shape. Turns out, He used to be a body builder many years ago. His claim to fame was finishing second in the Mr. Miami body building contest in the early 90’s. Hearing this, I was compelled to share the significance of his second place finish based upon the philosophy of one of my close friends and sailing buddies, Al. Al always explained to Me and anyone else who would listen, that the guy who finished second was the “First Loser”. My body builder friend found the humor in Al’s prospective.

I am finishing my 16th month in prison and I must confess that at times, it is incredibly depressing. The good news is that I now recognize when I am slipping into one of my self-pity sessions and I am challenging myself to accept responsibility for my situation and move forward.

By the way, I almost forgot the most important event of the week. Happy 30th Anniversary to my beautiful wife. I am blessed that she remains in my corner.

Ken Flaska

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