Non Residential Drug Abuse Program

Non Residential Drug Abuse Program

Non Residential Drug Abuse Program: Spend a little less time in federal prison? If you are reading this blog, you may be coming to Federal prison or you may have a loved one in Federal prison. Once an individual enters federal prison, his focus shifts to when he or...

The First Two Weeks in Pensacola

The First Two Weeks in Pensacola. Transferring to a new prison is like moving to a new city where you do not know anyone. My response to the situation has been to lay back and observe my new surroundings and the people who inhabit it. I causally look for like minded...

Animal Farm

January 23, 2016 A rural upbringing can create some lasting memories. I remember when I was age 12, I had a very close, face-to-face encounter with a possum while building an elaborate fort in our hay barn. I know now that I scared him, as his response was to open his...


When I was 14, after watching me get thrown out again attempting to steal second base, my dad told me, “You run too long in one place.” This came as a shock to me as from my perspective I was moving fast. But I remember that his comment changed my...


Scabies is a contagious itch or mange caused by a parasite. I don’t want it, but some unfortunate inmate brought it to Bastrop Federal Satellite Camp last summer. He was gone before I arrived on August 26th, but left this deposit as a parting gift. His bunk mate...

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