Don’t Blame The Rat

January 5, 2015 Don’t Blame The Rat “So I need you to write a letter to the country club for me,” a prospect told me a couple of minutes into our scheduled call yesterday. “What would you like me to tell them?” “Well, I would like you to tell them in a round...

Are you a psychopath?

December 12, 2012 Last week, I conducted a lengthy interview with Advisor One Magazine. I learned they are planning to do a story on me for their February issue. I’m always interested to see the angle or direction editors will take in my interviews. Some, take...

I Am Off To The FBI Academy

Wednesday, March 9, 2011 On March 15 I’ll be traveling to Quantico, Virginia to speak at the FBI Academy. I consider this a huge honor. It validates the hard work I’ve been doing to redeem the bad decisions I made in my 20s that led to a conviction for my...

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