Email Issues/Campaign Issues

Email Issues/Campaign Issues I just discovered that the prison email system “Corrlinks” has revalidation dates. If you signed up to email Me, your account apparently expires every year on the anniversary date of your sign-up. You have to renew your account...

How to Report To Federal Prison

October 27, 2014 How to Report To Federal Prison: Assemble email, address and telephone lists with people you would like to contact from prison. The day prior to your reporting date, mail them to yourself at the prison address. Make sure your family has a backup copy...

Budgeting in Federal Prison

August 12, 2014 Budgeting in Federal Prison I struggled to master the art of budgeting in federal prison. Even as I reached the end of my term at Taft Federal Prison Camp, I was still challenged to manage my commissary and phone minutes properly. For some background,...

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