Where do I rank?

March 3, 2015 In addition to working as a prison consultant and online trainer, I do still enjoy speaking about ethics and white-collar crime. Below is some feedback from my presentation in New York. Dear Mr. Paperny, On behalf of the IMCA Specialty Conference...

The same as Andrew Fastow?

June 26, 2012 The same as Andrew Fastow? I heard from a professor that Andrew Fastow is speaking on ethics and the various issues pertaining to his imprisonment. This professor asked if was “feeling the competition” brought on by Fastow, and if the lessons...

USC’s Marshall School Of Business

Sunday, September 27, 2009 This past Monday, the 21st of September, I addressed 5 Accounting Classes at USC’s Marshall School of Business. A couple of weeks ago, I sent an introductory e-mail to scores of professors at USC, explaining why my experience in the...

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