Life in the Halfway House

In this video, I cover life in the halfway house. I also offer some strategies and advice to ensure your time in the halfway house is productive. Best, Justin Paperny P.S. Click here to enroll in our five day prison preparation...
Pensacola Federal Prison Camp

Pensacola Federal Prison Camp

Pensacola Federal Prison Camp My friend and prison consultant, Justin Paperny, wrote me recently to tell me that he had a couple of clients making their way to Pensacola Federal Prison Camp in the coming weeks. He suggested I write about a variety of topics to help...

299 TO GO!

299 TO GO! 2/17/16 Well, the halfway point of this leg of my journey is almost here. Today marks a happy milestone only 299 days to go before I am released to a Halfway House. It’s an interesting paradox of time in as much as it seems like I just got here, and at the...

Coming Home

Coming Home 12/29/15 I’m coming home in less than a year! I received my release date today, December 16th, 2016. I will initially be released to a halfway house and then transition to home confinement. I’m extremely excited as journey is almost over....

Residential Drug Abuse Program

January 19, 2015 Residential Drug Abuse Program I attach a short video and provide a brief overview on my lesson plan that covers the Residential Drug Abuse Program: The Residential Drug Abuse Program results in 12-month time cuts (plus six months in the halfway...

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