Too Much Time in Federal Prison

July 22, 2015 Too Much Time in Federal Prison This morning I woke up, worked on my book, wrote in my diary, walked the track, practiced yoga, helped an inmate prepare a motion to expunge an old DUI, ate breakfast, read a magazine, practiced guitar, talked with my kids...

Residential Drug Abuse Program

January 19, 2015 Residential Drug Abuse Program I attach a short video and provide a brief overview on my lesson plan that covers the Residential Drug Abuse Program: The Residential Drug Abuse Program results in 12-month time cuts (plus six months in the halfway...

August 25, 2014 Other than hermit caves, the backwoods and old folks’ homes, prisons are one of the last places in modern America completely cut off from cell phone and internet. Yes, we do have e-mail on a closed system circa 1988. And we have access...

Halfway House

August 4, 2014 5 Reasons You Should Take the Halfway House Through my prison advice services I am frequently asked my opinion on the halfway house. Contrary to public opinion the halfway house is not right for everyone. Location, potential length of time in the...

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