How To Manage Money

October 13, 2015 Surrendering to federal prison brings enough complexities. To the extent that you can prepare and mitigate the fallout, you succeed. That includes managing your finances. Now, I know some of you might be thinking: “Hey, Justin, you are not a...

Lessons From Prison–Goldman Sachs

January 10, 2013 A chance encounter at Goldman Sachs during my junior year at USC changed my life. Until that time, I had planned to go to graduate school to continue studying Psychology. During my junior year, my mother mentioned I had an older cousin who worked at...

Ethics in Motion, Chapter 1

March 20, 2012 On my new site I decided to add an excerpt from each book.  To that end, I attach Chapter 1 from Ethics in Motion. This chapter will also stay permanently under the book tab. JP Discovering Ethics in Motion, Chapter 1 “My name is Justin Paperny....

Trivium Capital Management & The Power Of Denial

Financial newspapers continue reporting on the widening probe federal prosecutors have launched into insider trading cases. This morning, for example, I read that the SEC filed a lawsuit against against Trivium Capital Management, a hedge fund and its founder, Robert...

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