Its a small world

November 04, 2014 I recently sent out two separate kites(request forms) to confront the two staff members that are reportedly spreading false rumors about me. First of all it’s one problem to hear that staff members are gossiping amongst each other about...

Sharing Your Expertise In Federal Prison

September 18, 2014 Sharing Your Expertise In Federal Prison A friend and client is preparing to surrender to federal prison on September 30. Like me, the judge hit him with a sentence of 18-months, and he was ordered to serve 3 years of supervised release. On a call...

State Prison Advice

June 27, 2014 State Prison Advice Prison info. /Advice: I just finished a few more of my soap carvings and mailed them home the other day. A while ago I started on carving Stewy from the cartoon The Family Guy for my son, Taylor, but I broke it when I was almost...

The same as Andrew Fastow?

June 26, 2012 The same as Andrew Fastow? I heard from a professor that Andrew Fastow is speaking on ethics and the various issues pertaining to his imprisonment. This professor asked if was “feeling the competition” brought on by Fastow, and if the lessons...


May 23, 2012 Word is felons are not welcome in Canada. Recently, I was invited to keynote speak at a fraud conference in Ottawa, Canada on Oct 31. If the past with this group is any indicator there will be a few thousand people in attendance. The group is largely made...

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