Reduce Your Federal Prison Sentence

Reduce Your Federal Prison Sentence

Our team at White Collar Advice is always grateful when a client chooses to share their story publicly. It is not easy speaking about federal sentencing, federal prison and all of the other collateral consequences that accompany a white collar crime investigation and...
Pensacola Federal Prison Camp

Pensacola Federal Prison Camp

Pensacola Federal Prison Camp My friend and prison consultant, Justin Paperny, wrote me recently to tell me that he had a couple of clients making their way to Pensacola Federal Prison Camp in the coming weeks. He suggested I write about a variety of topics to help...

White Collar 101: Benefits of A Federal Prison Term

March 11, 2016 White Collar 101: Benefits Of A Federal Prison Term It is easy to focus on all of the fallout that follows a prison term. I know I did. In time, however, I found some benefits to being in prison. If you have interest in learning about some of these...

Too Much Time in Federal Prison

July 22, 2015 Too Much Time in Federal Prison This morning I woke up, worked on my book, wrote in my diary, walked the track, practiced yoga, helped an inmate prepare a motion to expunge an old DUI, ate breakfast, read a magazine, practiced guitar, talked with my kids...

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