What was my job at Taft Federal Prison Camp?

May 10, 2016 I have several good friends and clients about to surrender to Taft Federal Prison Camp. Naturally, through our planning process we discuss the type of jobs that exist in federal prison, including Taft Camp. I am frequently asked about the job that I had....

One Day Until I Surrender To Prison

July 21, 2015 One Day Until I Surrender To Prison One day until I surrender to federal prison. Although, I have made peace with my fate it still seems so surreal. I have officially stopped playing the scenes out in my head of re-living the last five years of this...

Planning & Preparation For Federal Prison

June 10, 2015 Planning & Preparation For Federal Prison I’m very fortunate to have met Justin Paperny who is helping me through this transition in my life.  The old saying that you don’t know what you don’t know could not be any more profound than preparing to...

Silver Linings

December 15, 2014 Yes, there is news! Otherwise I would not post two days in a row! When I arrived at work this morning in Orange County after driving in from Palm Springs, I glanced down at my phone and saw several emails from my attorneys. Experience has taught me...

Self-surrender to Federal Prison

September 12, 2014 Self-surrender to Federal Prison I’m days away from the big moment — having to self-surrender to federal prison. Thanks to people like Justin Paperny, I’ve been able to mentally prepare as much as possible. For the most part I know...

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