Movies and More

Movies and More July 13, 2016 Today is the 18 month “anniversary” of my arrival here at the Taft prison camp. While I am not *celebrating* it does seem like the time has gone fairly fast and that’s a good thing! Yesterday I gave my sixth talk at...

*Trans* formation

February 10, 2016 Don’t worry! I am not on my way to becoming the Caitlyn Jenner of Taft prison camp! The reason I have selected this topic is that I am frequently asked by friends which books I am reading and which I would recommend. Having the time to read...

Keeping Busy

October 7, 2015 Coming up on nine months here at the Taft Prison Camp. It feels like I have been here a very long time and yet the time also seems to have gone by fairly quickly. I know that seems like a contradiction but that’s how it feels to me! It’s...

Commitment to Growth

Commitment to Growth August 21, 2015 If you read my recent article in the August issue of Outpatient Surgery (link in my last blog post), you know that following the events at ArthroCare, I had a tremendous amount of work to do in the area of personal growth. I...

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