My Deal With The Devil

June 12, 2015 My Deal With The Devil As a consequence of my time in prison I came to embrace the cliché that life is about the journey. That time away from family, friends and my community helped me realize that I had a role to play in society. Admittedly, before...

Federal Prison Advice Interactive Brochure

December 10, 2014 The transfer from Etika to Federal Prison Advice continues. I am working on the new site, content, videos, and more. Below is a draft of a brochure my friend Michael Santos and I worked on. There might be some edits left to do, but this is a good...


July 11, 2014 RDAP or Residential Drug Abuse Treatment Program I understand the irony of writing books on ethics and being a convicted felon. For many the disconnect is startling. Why? It is simply because I served time in prison. Regardless of efforts I may make to...

Are you a psychopath?

December 12, 2012 Last week, I conducted a lengthy interview with Advisor One Magazine. I learned they are planning to do a story on me for their February issue. I’m always interested to see the angle or direction editors will take in my interviews. Some, take...

Accepting Responsibility

April 8, 2012 Last week a student asked about my co-conspirator Keith Gilabert, who until 2005 ran the GLT Venture Fund. Mr. Gilabert was sentenced to 5-years in prison for his role in orchastrating the Ponzi Scheme that helped lead to my demise. Apparently, the...

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