Time management, always a crucial discipline it master with regard to one’s personal life and business life, and certainly a discipline that comes in handy here in prison. The time we have is limited, although, here is prison the opposite sometimes seems to be the case. I am reminded of a story from Catch 22, Joe Hellers masterpiece. One of his characters is lamenting the time goes so quickly, especially if you think it will end on your next bombing mission, he notes that the best way to get the more time out of time is to be totally and completed bored, as he surmises when one is bored time takes so long to pass that it just seems that you have so much more of it.

Here his point is so well taken the boredom does make the time drag in, and the challenge is to make the time go quickly and pass faster than a speeding bullet, so we try to occupy ourselves as best we can to makes us forget about the time.

Which brings ne to my original thought, one of the ways we use is to call family and friends and this helps to move the time along. However, the time we get to spend on the phone with our closet people is limited to only 300 minutes a month, and the most in any one call is 15 minutes. I completely understand the 15 minute limit, but why the 300 minute limit a month. If an inmate can afford to pay the price why not have an unlimited amount of time. Is this too considered part of the punishment, limit contact to the outside world. Time management, you must space and sparse yuo time on the phone.

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