This Week in Jesup

Not a very good week in prison. I have been fighting a sinus infection which makes me irritable. I have that feeling where I just want to get away from everything and find a little peace and quiet and recover. However, there is no peace and quiet in prison. In the past, when i was not feeling well, I would look to others for a little empathy. In prison, there is no empathy.

I have also missed talking to my wife this week as my phone calls were poorly timed to her schedule. Little things like that causes me concern. In prison, I have a limited time frame to place a call, and there is often a line for the telephone. That makes it difficult to call my wife at a specific time. Our phone exchanges are further complicated by the fact that my wife got a local “skype” number to save money on phone calls. ( skype is $.90 for a 15 minute call versus a regular call which costs $3.10 for 15 minutes.) Apparently, the skype ringer is barely audible on her phone so she misses some of my calls. (any tech types out there with a solution?)

In reality, I have fallen into a vat of self pity and I am slowly crawling out of it. There is absolutely no justification for Me to engage in any form of self pity. I have put myself in my current situation by making extremely poor choices. Nothing to do but suck it up and deal with the consequences of my choices.
One day closer to the door.

Ken Flaska

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