March 11, 2016

White Collar 101: Benefits Of A Federal Prison Term

It is easy to focus on all of the fallout that follows a prison term. I know I did. In time, however, I found some benefits to being in prison. If you have interest in learning about some of these benefits simply click the link below.

I recognize these 10 principles will not apply to everyone. It should, however, provide a basis from where to start. Life in federal prison does not have to be a waste. Of course, no one really wants to be there. But if we have to go, we might as well make good use of our time. A proactive routine will help ensure your days go smoothly. Moreover, it will help you get off to a wonderful start on federal probation.

For those defendants pursuing the Residential Drug Abuse Program you are in for a treat. Most of my clients who pursue RDAP have found huge value in the program. You simply need to be open to change.

I am in the process of filming nearly 20 videos in my new White Collar 101 series. I will cover myriad subjects like life in prison, medical care in prison, life in the halfway house and more.

Click here to access new video on benefits of a federal prison term

If you have questions please feel free to text or call 818-424-2220.



It is never too late to start preparing…Download Lessons From Prison Now to discover what is truly possible in federal prison.

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