500 Days In
500 days in. I've now been a prisoner of the united states government for 500 days. its hard to comprehend how much time has gone by. I'm trying every day to optimize this time to get healthy, improve my body and mind, and work on ideas for the future. I am now in the...
Ready Player One
ready player one I just completed reading an absolutely fantastic book, ready player one. if you like the 80s, especially 80s games definitely read this book. I have to send the author an UltraCade machine when I get out.
Two Months To Go
I'm excited that we are down to 60 days remaining. I'm not going to sugarcoat it, having my second birthday in prison was no fun. I do appreciate the cards and letters and especially the surprise visit by my family. I'm looking forward to having my next birthday at...
Molly’s Game
Molly's game just finished my 210th book that I have read since arriving. its a great read and I recommend it. its called Molly's game about an underground poker game. some of the players featured in the book were here at Taft.
4 weeks until vacation
I know that my $18 a month salary seems like it shouldn’t come with any other perks, but in four weeks I get a weeks paid vacation! the last week of October I will be on paid leave and then I will retire as I move into pending release status and no longer have to work...
Closing Prisons?
the compound is buzzing with speculation about the closing of private facilities. it certainly seems counter intuitive to have a for profit prison system as it requires a constant flow of inventory to remain profitable. there are rumors swirling that we will be moved...
4 Months To Go
time seems to be accelerating for me. I'm keeping extremely busy but the days and weeks seem to be flying by. 14 months in the books, only 4 to go. thank you to everyone that has been writing and emailing. it makes such a positive difference to have such a wonderful...
I've really enjoyed the toastmasters organization and the opportunity to hone my public speaking skills. I'm nearing completion of the competent communicator certification which is recognized by every toastmaster organization around the world.
Patents I've been making good use of my time here and have been fortunate enough to have a closet with a counter that I can use every night to work. I've completed several new hardware and software concepts and will be filing over a dozen patents from what I have...
I Now Have A Locker
I now have a locker. After a year of being here my cellmate left and I was able to move to the lower bunk that comes with a locker. You would never suspect that having a locker would be a big deal but after living a year with my clothes, food, books et al stored in a...