Kenneth Flaska's

My name is Ken Flaska. I was born and raised in Michigan. I graduated from Wayne State University with a business degree in 1974 and a law degree in 1978. I developed a successful law practice and served as the Head of the Litigation Group at a prominent Midwestern Law Firm. Poor choices influenced by a personal financial crisis led me to engage in Fraudulent Banking activities. I plead guilty to Bank Fraud in April of 2014 and was sentenced to serve 64 months in Federal Prison in September of 2014. I plan on using my time away reading and writing a blog about my experiences and other related topics. I also plan to write a book. The monumental consequences associated with a Federal Felony Conviction seem unsurmountable at times, but I am confident that hard work and complete transparency will allow me to return to the real world as a wiser, stronger and more productive human being. I am blessed to have a beautiful wife and an incredible son support me through this difficult journey.
Non Residential Drug Abuse Program

Non Residential Drug Abuse Program

Non Residential Drug Abuse Program: Spend a little less time in federal prison? If you are reading this blog, you may be coming to Federal prison or you may have a loved one in Federal prison. Once an individual enters federal prison, his focus shifts to when he or...

Washing Off Pensacola Federal Prison Camp

Washing Off Pensacola Federal Prison Camp

WASHING OFF PENSACOLA FEDERAL PRISON I had a discussion with a corrections officer this week about how dirty federal prison seems to be. He stated that the first thing He does when He gets home from work is to take a shower to "wash off prison". I explained to him...

My Federal Prison Sentence By The Numbers

My Federal Prison Sentence By The Numbers

FEDERAL PRISON SENTENCE BY THE NUMBERS. 1. Days in Prison - 943. 2. Days left in prison - 188. 3. Times food made me ill in prison - 6. 4. Taxes paid over the last 943 days - 0. 5. Cost to incarcerate Me per day - $86.77. 6. Money allocated to feed Me each day -...

Trouble In Pensacola Federal Prison Camp?

Trouble In Pensacola Federal Prison Camp?

TROUBLE IN PENSACOLA PRISON CAMP? Pensacola Federal Prison Camp is always listed as one of the "better" federal prison camps for prisoners. The weather, the facilities and the staff were always alleged to be about as good as it gets for prison. Indeed, when I was...



Going home from federal prison! I finally received an exit date from Federal Prison Camp, November 16, 2017. It was not the date I was hoping for but at least I have a date. I am still working on obtaining an earlier date but I place little confidence in my ability to...


SUPER BOWL SUNDAY IN FEDERAL PRISON I sat around last Sunday (Super bowl Sunday) and tried to recall past Super bowl Sundays with my family and friends. The problem that I have with "special days" in prison is the flood of memories that can overwhelm me and cause me...


OUT OF FEDERAL PRISON A BIT EARLY? I can attest to the fact that once you reach prison, You are always hoping to find a way to get out, as soon as possible! In Federal Prison, where parole no longer exists, options for early release are quite limited. With good...

Interesting Times In Federal Prison Camp

Interesting Times In Federal Prison Camp

Well these are some interesting times in Federal Prison Camp! Well, it is 2017, the year I exit Federal Prison. There is some sort of psychological euphoria associated with being able to say " I get out of prison this year". I still do not know the date of my...

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