David Applegate
Greetings from Beijing
Greetings from Beijing July 28, 2016 No, we did not get an influx of Chinese inmates. However, it does seem like we have adopted that city's weather patterns. Due to a combination of 110 degree temps, an inversion layer, and smoke from several forest fires, we have...
The Death Penalty
The Death Penalty July 22, 2016 Ah, a nice light hearted topic for the weekend! Seriously, though, I just did my 7th Toastmaster's speech yesterday (three more to go!). I was inspired by a book I read a while back to speak about the death penalty. The book is "Just...
Movies and More
Movies and More July 13, 2016 Today is the 18 month "anniversary" of my arrival here at the Taft prison camp. While I am not *celebrating* it does seem like the time has gone fairly fast and that's a good thing! Yesterday I gave my sixth talk at Toastmasters. Four...
A Little Life
A Little Life July 5, 2016 I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday weekend! Holiday weekends are pretty much the same as every other weekend here. Although we DID have watermelon for our dessert at lunch yesterday! Yum! 😀 The highlight of the weekend for me was...
Toastmasters! June 26, 2016 Before I get to Toastmasters, what were the British thinking???? I was truly shocked when I woke up Friday morning and saw they had voted to leave the EU. I predict they will come to regret that vote once Scotland peels off, all the banks...
Bueno suerte Ramon!
Bueno suerte Ramon! June 7, 2016 My good friend Ramon left early this morning for the halfway house in San Diego and the next phase of his journey. For me, Ramon was a role model in that he was a great example of how to make the most of the time we must spend here. He...
Happy Birthday Kenny!!!
Happy Birthday Kenny!!! June 5, 2016 Today my husband turns 60! I am so grateful that he came to visit yesterday along with our long time and close friends Lisa, Gary and John (of Ed and John, Ed's in Italy right now immersed in Italian language school). It was a...
Visitation Snafu in Federal Prison!
Visitation Snafu! May 30, 2016 "David Applegate, report to Camp Control!" The announcement came over the loudspeaker at 3pm last Friday waking me up from a nice afternoon nap. Generally, this is not a good thing (the nap was good; I'm talking about being summoned to...
The Perfect Weekend in Federal Prison
The Perfect Weekend in Federal Prison May 22, 2016 Yes, it is possible to have a perfect weekend in prison! I have been looking forward to this weekend for a while because I had two fantastic visits scheduled. On Friday, pretty much the entire management team from...
Goats In Trees
Goats In Trees May 16, 2016 Before I get to the topic of the title of this post, one of the things I have learned over the past couple of years is that I do not have to be "perfect" or give the appearance of "having it all together." Not only is this impossible but it...