
It is here, February 1st, for joy and hallelujah, I thought it would not get here and it has, now only 25 days to go to my exit. The weather here today is incredible, it feels like it's in the 60s already and its only 8Am, there is slush everywhere as the remaining...

Cat Found

Oh my, to the great relief of all of the Camp our mascot was found, actually, he sauntered back to her home. After much trepidation and worry she made her way back in the late morning. She was interrogated by many of her admires but she would not reveal where she had...


Houston we have a problem, troubling news at Camp fed this morning, the camp mascot is MIA.  There is a really pretty golden yellow tabby cat that lives on the base with us and is the camp pet/mascot.  this cat is taken better care of by the inmates than the inmates....

The End

So I have 27 days before liftoff and I've been thinking about a few things concerning my departure and what I would like to do first.  It seems this is a moving target and every day it changes, so today I can’t stop thinking about a Starbucks venti non fat latte and a...

T-30 Days

I've hit the T-30 days and counting mark in my sentence, what a freakin' thrill to be here, I didn't think it would ever come, my goodness the month of Jan is soooo long, but wrapping up. I hope the ;ast 30 speed up a bit. I've heard from several friends today and all...


I have been asked many times in the last several days what I was going to do first when I got out or what have I missed most since I've been in and I have an instant answer, I miss my privacy the most and the first thing I want to do when I get out is take a hot,...


Reading has been one of the saving graces for me here at Camp Fed, without the books, magazines and newspapers I have read and continue to read there is no way I could have made it thus far. Since my term started I have read over 45 books in 5 months. I cant begin to...

Blizzard of 16

I'm thinking of making TShirts, "I was imprisoned by the blizzard of 2016" with pictures of our pen. We all survived the big snow, I don't think we got as much as i was hearing about last night but certainly we got over 16 inches or so. Our track was partially cleared...


We're hunkering down at Camp fed waiting for the season's first snow storm, the y have cancelled visiting for the weekend because of the forecasted N'or Easter, I doubt it will happen but who knows.  The men who work the landscaping and grounds crews were putting...


If there is anything to learn from a prison experience, and there is certainly a lot to learn, it would be to adopt an attitude of, ok, let's take it as it comes and go with the flow. Actually, while you are a prisoner that is the only way to be because you are no...

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