Speaking Topics

Etika LLC creates comprehensive compliance and business ethics programs for businesses, universities, professional societies, and law enforcement for the following types of presentations:

  • Business ethics & compliance training
  • Professional development, including new hire and intern training
  • White-Collar crime education
  • Leadership training

Formats available:

  • Keynote speeches (Up to 2 hours, including Q&A)
  • Case study exercises using Ethics in Motion Lessons From Prison
  • Workshops (Usually 2-5 hours)
  • Online presentations
  • Individual consultations
  • Collaborate with Board of Directors & senior leadership to create mission statement & code of ethics
  • Combination of any of the above

Suggested Program Topics and Summaries (Speeches can be tailored to your specific needs, including a combination of the various speaking topics):

  1. Lessons From Prison
  2. Ethics in Motion
  3. Code of Ethics
  4. Impact of A Role Model
  5. Value-Centered Decisions
  6. Aggressive Corporate Culture Within Ethical Context
  7. Pressures of Performance
  8. Exacerbating Troubles Through Denial
  9. Beware of Perils Ahead

1. Lessons From Prison
Justin walks the audience through his journey as a federal prisoner. He explains how making decisions from an ethical gray area can lead to financial devastation, loss of reputation, separation from family and community. It will debunk misperceptions about country club prisons by discussing what he learned from others and his own experiences.

2. Ethics in Motion
Justin describes the government's efforts to prosecute white-collar crimes. Despite the heavy penalties executives and employers face when the government brings criminal charges, too few understand how their actions can lead to imprisonment or seven-figure costs. Justin explains the consequences that follow an inattention to ethics. He also describes how easily an indiscriminate telephone call, text or email can lead to an implosion of career and family life.

3. Code of Ethics
Studies show a code of ethics helps encourage ethical behavior, however, it is often not enough. We have too many examples of our country's leaders from both the private and public sector who lost sight of ethical importance. When making corporate or personal decisions, asking ourselves whether our decisions comform with the code, can ensure that we avoid ethical gray areas that can harm our reputation. Justin conveys the importance of having a practical code of ethics, and how management can best enforce the code.

4. Impact of A Role Model
Without a role model to help guide him, Justin crossed the line from unethical to illegal behavior. As a student athlete, he had the privilege of learning from coaches who also acted as role models. In the brokerage business, however, the pressure to perform, coupled with lax oversight from management washed away the values he learned as an athlete. This speech highlights the importance of mentoring young people within an organization.

5. Value-Centered Decisions
By establishing a personal ethical code, and ensuring that all personal and business decisions comply with that code, individuals can lead more fulfilling lives. In this speech, Justin describes his past, what he has learned by listening to other white-collar offenders, and the ethical code that now guides all of his decisions.

6. Aggressive Corporate Culture Within Ethical Context
When professionals pursue aggressive tactics to meet short-term targets, they sometimes put themselves and their businesses at risk. Justin contrasts lessons he learned from professionals who built careers honestly and ethically in aggressive corporate cultures.

7. Pressures of Performance
Too often companies make decisions based on the expectations of Wall Street. These pressures are not only put on the CEO and other high ranking executives, but are passed down to middle management who must perform their assigned tasks to meet those goals. Justin emphasizes the importance of management’s role in addressing pressures put on all employees in order to assure ethical business practices.

8. Exacerbating Troubles Through Denial
Many people remember reading about Martha Stewart’s legal complications. The initial act would not have resulted in imprisonment, but the lies, the cover-up, and the denial did. Justin interacted with and interviewed many federal prisoners who complicated their own legal struggles through similar denials. In this speech, Justin educates audiences by telling their stories and his own.

9. Beware of Perils Ahead
Justin describes how seemingly benign decisions can lead to severe problems later.  When individuals convince themselves they operate from within an ethical gray area, they sometimes expose themselves to problems they cannot foresee.  Justin offers descriptions of how such ethical gray areas lead to imprisonment for some executives.

For lecture information, including rates on bulk book orders, please fill out the booking request form. Additionally, you may email Justin at justinpaperny@etikallc.com or call 818-424-2220.

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