One Year Ago Today…

January 30, 2016 I’ll have much more to say about my baby boy on his birthday, as I would much rather focus on his life than his death. But there is no denying that this day one year ago was tragically impossible. I wish I had the ability to explain what...

Animal Farm

January 23, 2016 A rural upbringing can create some lasting memories. I remember when I was age 12, I had a very close, face-to-face encounter with a possum while building an elaborate fort in our hay barn. I know now that I scared him, as his response was to open his...


When I was 14, after watching me get thrown out again attempting to steal second base, my dad told me, “You run too long in one place.” This came as a shock to me as from my perspective I was moving fast. But I remember that his comment changed my...

Going With The Flow

January 15, 2016 It may be theoretically possible for a person to willfully change his character. However, if I tried that, chances are my new character would be just as screwed up as the old, as any change I concocted would be based on my own self-centered ego. My...


January 11, 2016 Most of us like to feel we’re in control of our life, and predictability gives us our best shot at feeling some sense of just that. Circumstances, events, and relationships, however, are highly UN-predictable and can make life seem out of...

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