WORST DAY IN FEDERAL PRISON? I sat around with the PPDS (Pensacola Prison Discussion Society) on election night discussing the election returns. Most prisoners are Clinton fans because they believe that she is an advocate of prison and sentence reform. I have learned...
Prepared For Federal Prison?

Prepared For Federal Prison?

PREPARED FOR FEDERAL PRISON? When I entered federal prison in the fall of 2014, I had spent hours with my prison consultant Justin Paperny discussing prison rules, prison etiquette, and most importantly, the mental impact of being in federal prison. You cannot explain...
Pensacola Federal Prison Camp

Pensacola Federal Prison Camp

Pensacola Federal Prison Camp My friend and prison consultant, Justin Paperny, wrote me recently to tell me that he had a couple of clients making their way to Pensacola Federal Prison Camp in the coming weeks. He suggested I write about a variety of topics to help...


QUESTIONS ABOUT FEDERAL PRISON SENTENCES I have been receiving more letters from individuals that unfortunately have a prison sentence in their future. I cannot respond to all of the letters directly as stamps are 49 cents and I cannot blow my prison budget! As a...

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