
I truly believe that I’ve found the most natural, long lasting and efficient way to alleviate my depression. Healthy food choices, exercise, and busy days that are consistent with working to reach and attain goals, creating new goals and improving on them along the way has virtually wiped my reoccurring diatomic depression from existence. For years and years, as long as I can remember I’ve suffered from chronic depression, allowing this disease to control my life and feed my addiction has kept me from being the man I truly am inside. And now, finally I can take control of my day to day life without being weighed down with mental illness. These last few years of my prison sentence I’ve stuck to a commitment, to turn every aspect of my life around, starting by first getting sober and even off of all psych drugs I used to take for depression and anxiety, knowing that medicating my mind and body in any way was only hindering me from reaching my true God given ability to prosper and succeed in life. Over the last few years I’ve continued to feel bits of depression invading my life, but slowly over time the depression came fewer and further between. Remaining consistent with my goals and day to day life style has enabled me to defeat this debilitating illness. Over the last month or so I’ve increased my daily routine to the maximum, I spend every minute of the day doing something productive, whether it’s exercise, horticulture, guitar practice, or studying financial guides that will help me make good use of my money, earning, spending and investing once I’m home producing an income. I made a goal not to turn my television on until at least 8-9:00p.m. I’ve stuck to that goal and it’s done me a lot of good. I keep myself so busy each day, exercising hard, studying hard, practicing hard and learning everything I can, giving myself no time to even think about depression, let alone allow it to invade my life anymore. At the end of every day I feel good about what I’ve done, I thank the Lord for His many blessings and I sleep good, without any guilt for poor choices made. All of these daily choices have enabled me to find a completely different way of life than the one I once lived as an active addict on the streets. Coming to prison was the best thing that could ever have happened to me. Now I’m ready to put these skills and tools that I’ve acquired in prison to good use on the streets, flexing the ethics, morals and values
that my family

Steven Dybvad

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