March 17, 2015

Today is a very special day for me. Many others are celebrating St. Patricks Day, but for me, this day marks something even more exciting. After today, I’ll have exactly one year left on my sentence. No matter what, after this day, on March 18th of next year I’ll be a free man! If all goes well and I get approved for a six month early release, then I’ll just have six months left to serve, but ofcourse I can’t count on that. I have to hope for the best, but in reality I need to be prepared for the worst outcome, which means serving my entire 5 year sentence in prison. If I’m not realistic with myself and the possibility of serving my entire sentence, then I would just let myself down and get upsett with myself, so for that reason I’ve always accepted that I might have to do 5 full years, that way if I do get an early release, I’ll be a great deal more excited and appreciative. Either way it goes, this prison or any other prison for that matter can’t possibly hold me after one year from today. That means one more of everything, one more summer, winter, spring and fall, one more of my childrens’ birthdays apart, one more Christmas apart, and well you get the point. I’m so ready and excited to start a new life outside of prison, a life I never tried to attain, always puting off until tomorrow and tomorrow never came, that is until now. Each day is new and exciting for me, even from inside prison, because each day I do something to improve my life, my body and mind, and most importantly my future with my children and family that I love and miss so much.

Steven Dybvad

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