July 9, 2014

State Prison Advice

Yoga has become an extremely important part of my daily routine. Yoga not only helps to relieve my sore aches and pains from constantly exercising, pushing my body to the limit each day, it also reduces a great deal of stress in my life. Every day after I finish working out and reading from each of my three spiritual books, around 10:30a.m. I plug my jp4 player into the speakers of my television and play calm, soothing sounds from a Depak Chopra album I purchased a few months ago, allowing my mind and body to relax and prepare for a good twenty to thirty minute stretch. Thankfully my celly not only knows how important this is to me, but he also dedicates the same time each day to meditation and reading, creating an excellent atmosphere of peace and serenity, each of us going into our own personal state of Zen, clearing our mind, ridding ourselves of any negative thoughts of the prison containing us both. After having done this for some time now, I’ve not only increased my flexibility, I’ve also noticed that much of the chronic pains and soreness I used to feel are gone. Yoga isn’t the only reason for having less stress in my day to day life, but it has certainly helped me on my road to recovery, adding to my surplus of tools for life. Whether you’re in prison, on your way to prison, or just reading my blog, I would certainly recommend giving yoga a try to anyone.

Steven Dybvad


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