#4 Google. Print. Mail.
The best case scenario is that your imprisoned friend or loved one might have access to a set of encyclopedias for research. In the prison where I am confined, we have an almost complete set of the 15th Edition of Encyclopedia Britannica published in 1989. Depending on your friend or loved one's interests and goals during their time down, making yourself available to Google, print and mail hard copies of information that they want or need can be a huge benefit to them while they are in federal prison and in preparation for their life after release from prison. They may have medical questions, technology interests, career planning ideas and many other areas where current online information is desired. If there are a few friends or relatives who are willing to share the burden of occasionally receiving the topics by email, Googling them and sending in hard copies of the results, it will prove to be a thoughtful service that is very much appreciated by someone who is cutoff from the world in their current circumstances.
Kevin Boardman