I have only been at Pensacola Federal Prison Camp for three weeks. I have not yet settled into a routine. To me, a routine is essential to help the prison time pass as quickly as possible and to maintain my physical and emotional health. I do not have a regular job assignment at this time as I have not completed the Camp’s admission and orientation program. I hope they schedule me in the near future.
Last Tuesday was a typical day for me;

4:45 a.m.-Lights come on in our unit. This is quite early but it is done to accommodate a number of prisoners who work at the local Air Force base. They have to be on the bus by 5:30 a.m. The lights and noise wake me up. I roll over, put a sweatshirt over my head and try to go back to sleep.
6:00 a.m.- I am up. I make coffee and watch the news on CNN.
6:45 a.m.- I read for awhile out of one of my current books “Charting and Technical Analysis”.
7:30 a.m.- I report to my temporary job at A & O. (admissions and orientation). I work with 5-10 other guys raking and sweeping the compound.
10:30 a.m. I help load plastic leaf dumpsters on a trailer and ride with Correction Officers to the dump at the far end of the Navy base.
11:00 a.m.- Lunch. Two hotdogs (very small) , Cole slaw and a bag of chips. I hear about 7 guys who got written up in our unit for rule violations. 4 of them got shipped off the compound.
12:00 p.m.- Back to work raking leaves. It is hot and humid!
2:00 p.m.- Corrections officer lets us off work because of the heat. I change into shorts and a tee-shirt and go to the weight pile for some exercise.
3:15 p.m.- Shower.
3:35 p.m.-I read some more and do a Sudoku puzzle.
4:00 p.m.- Stand up count in our cube.
4:30 p.m.- Dinner. Pasta with red sauce and garlic bread. Not bad by prison standards.
5:00 p.m.- Check email, read wall Street Journal in Library.
6:05 p.m. -Walk the track, 6 laps, 3 miles.
6:50 p.m. -pushups by the bleachers, watch end of softball game.
7:30 p.m.- Shower. The inside of the shower is gross. Some guy who shaves his whole body left hair all over the place.
8:00 p.m.- Call my wife. (high point of my day)
8:20 p.m.- work on a blog, do another Sudoku puzzle.
9:20 p.m.- Stand up count in our cube. (20 minutes late)
9:30 p.m. – Lights out. I read with my book light.
10:30 p.m.- Prayers. I have finished another day in prison. (second favorite part of the day). I am one day closer to my family.

Ken Flaska

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