Should You Blog From Federal Prison?

Should You Blog From Federal Prison? I received a call from a white collar defendant who told me, "I'll blog in prison, if I can make money with it, like you did." To begin, I never had any intentions to make money from my blog, nor have I monetized my blog. Second,...

What was my job at Taft Federal Prison Camp?

May 10, 2016 I have several good friends and clients about to surrender to Taft Federal Prison Camp. Naturally, through our planning process we discuss the type of jobs that exist in federal prison, including Taft Camp. I am frequently asked about the job that I had....

Why I Went to Federal Prison

I am frequently asked why I went to federal prison. I am going to share why in this video, in part, because if you’re involved in the criminal justice system (at any stage) it is critically important to tell your story correctly. When I am working with new clients, or...

White Collar 101: Benefits of A Federal Prison Term

March 11, 2016 White Collar 101: Benefits Of A Federal Prison Term It is easy to focus on all of the fallout that follows a prison term. I know I did. In time, however, I found some benefits to being in prison. If you have interest in learning about some of these...

The Surprise Government Interview

March 9, 2016 When I was interviewed by the government, I was unprepared. I just did not fully understand how my performance would impact how long I would serve in federal prison. In fact, I really never thought about federal prison. I thought somehow my experience...

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