How To Succeed on Federal Probation

When I was in federal prison at Taft Federal Prison Camp, I grew to hate hearing myths that too many federal prisoners treated as fact. At times I think it was just easier to belief the myth because it was an excuse to not prepare for life after prison. “What is...

How To Manage Money

October 13, 2015 Surrendering to federal prison brings enough complexities. To the extent that you can prepare and mitigate the fallout, you succeed. That includes managing your finances. Now, I know some of you might be thinking: “Hey, Justin, you are not a...

7 Lessons Learned In Prison

September 29, 2015 I just got back from the “My Gym” class with my daughter when the phone rang…It was around 10:33am this morning. “I was reluctant to call you because you spoke at the FBI Academy. What are you one of them now?” a really...

The Federal Prison Hustler

August 26, 2015 The Federal Prison Hustler Two days ago a frantic wife called to tell me that her husband who is serving 36 months for fraud ran into problems with a prison hustler. The problem is almost any new prisoner could fall into the same trap he did. The...

Reputation Management From Prison

August 24, 2015 Reputation Management From Prison Admittedly, when I began writing from federal prison I wasn’t exactly sure what would happen. I can definitely say, however, that I was intrigued by the idea of documenting how I was seeking redemption and a...

It is never too late to start preparing…Download Lessons From Prison Now to discover what is truly possible in federal prison.

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