MLK Day: Free at Last

If you’re lucky, you’ll experience one moment in your lifetime when the clamor and clanking of everyday life culminates.  Almost poetic in its timing, when you think you can’t listen for another, split second to the excruciating noise around you, it becomes – in an...

Five Powerful Tips To Overcome Legal Challenges

Five Powerful Tips To Overcome Legal Challenges It’s easy to feel positive when things are going your way, but did you feel overwhelmed as soon as your legal challenges cropped up? It can be hard to keep ploughing onwards if you’re facing unexpected challenges, like...

Put Down Those Boxing Gloves…

If you’re on your way to prison or have been in prison, it’s likely that you’ve made some questionable decisions in your life, which you feel cast a shadow over your life. However, be aware that when you’re trying to start a fresh chapter, your biggest critic and...

It is never too late to start preparing…Download Lessons From Prison Now to discover what is truly possible in federal prison.

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