The First Visit

Dated 10/23/15 The First Visit Friday was finally here. After being able to make the first call to my wife the previous day, she planned to come visit the following day. The excitement this morning was none like I have ever felt. True butterflies to the point of...

Getting Situated in Federal Prison

Getting Situated in Federal Prison It has now been a full day and a half since I surrendered to federal prison. It’s all so real now. I think I have come to terms that this is my new reality and there is nothing I can do to change it now. My mission is to keep...

Day of Reckoning

Day of Reckoning It was here. The day that I have been dreading for so long was officially unavoidable. I woke up holding my wife in my arms, ignoring that alarm clock, pretending that it didn’t exist. As we got on the road, there was a sobering silence. It can...

The Countdown

October 15, 2015 The Countdown I lay awake at 1:55am with my mind running full speed in every direction as I watch my beautiful wife as she sleeps. The biggest countdown of my life has reached its tipping point. With my surrender date rapidly approaching, I realize...

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