Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Call Me Before Surrendering to Federal Prison

I am really enjoying writing these blogs. Over the last week a number of defendants, and their lawyers, have reached out, thanking me for my useful tips. As a reminder, I wrote a daily blog from Taft Federal Prison Camp. I would encourage anyone entangled in a battle with the SEC, DOJ, IRS–any of them–to scroll through my blog roll. I started writing them in October, 2008.

Yesterday I received an email from a man who had read some of my blogs. Specifically, he said that he “had so many questions”, and that he and his wife were “freaked out” about his imminent surrender to prison. Then he said, “I would love to work with you, but my lawyer has sucked nearly every dollar from me. I am not sure I can afford you. What do you charge?”

I appreciated the honesty. I can also relate to the expense of retaining a top notch criminal defense attorney. I do charge a modest fee for prison consulting, however, not for one phone call. Call me and we will have a chat about your situation. Other consultants invoke the “power play” in trying to close business–I know of one who demands you deposit money in his bank account before even speaking to you. Not me. During our call you will either see the value or you won’t. Then we can take it from there. At the least I will have alleviated some concerns. I can be reached at 818-424-2220.

In my next tip I will share some thoughts on lawyers.

Justin Paperny

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