When a Friend Goes to Prison

    Whether you always feared that a friend’s behaviors or choices might eventually put them in prison, or the fact that they were arrested and are now going to be behind bars came as a surprise, the one thing to remember is that they are your friend....

Maintaining a Relationship While in Prison

Guessing, imagining, wondering…these are words that people on the inside use to describe what it is like when trying to maintain a relationship while they are in prison. Unfortunately, all of these feelings are unavoidable when you cannot be part of your...

Femininity in Prison: Is It Possible?

September 1, 2014 Femininity in Prison: Is It Possible? The words femininity and prison don’t really go together. After all, femininity is thought of as looking and acting like a “conventional” female. That would mean doing things like wearing pretty...

Parenting From Prison

  August 4, 2014 Parenting From Prison It is tough enough to be a good parent when you are on the outside, but when you are parenting from prison, it can begin to feel impossible. You will no longer be able to parent as you are used to, or as you had hoped to,...

Telling the Kids You’re Going to Prison

July 2, 2014 Telling the Kids You’re Going to Prison When a parent goes to prison, it can be very difficult for the children involved. And for the person who’s been convicted of a crime, telling the kids can be even harder than dealing with the prison sentence. Don’t...

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