Today is January 1, 2009

On this first day of the new year I am sitting alone in the large television room at Taft Prison Camp. The dorm is quiet, all televisions have been turned off and the correctional officers are nowhere in sight. With peace and comfort, I sit to write my goals for the remainder of my prison term.

As of today I expect to serve 140 more days here. I have more than eight months of prison behind me and I can sense that the end is near. Now, more than ever, is the time to establish clearly defined goals. Doing so will help ease my transition to society. My list is as follows:

I will:

1. Devote at least 40 hours a week toward preparing for a career as a speaker/consultant.

2. Write at least six blog posts each week.

3. Initiate a marketing campaign, with the help of my family, aimed at teaching others the lessons I’ve learned from prison. Marketing efforts will be geared towards business schools, corporations and attorneys.

4. Read at least four books a month.

5. Continue tutoring inmates preparing for their GED exam.

6. Continue to respond to all correspondence within two days.

7. Run at least 40 miles a week.

8. Strength train for at least seven hours each week.

Establishing specific goals accomplishes two objections. First, by doing what I say I’m going to do, I set an example that despite my imprisonment, anything can be accomplished. Second, by posting this information for the world to read, I am inviting others to hold me accountable, while evaluating my progress. Once a month for the remainder of my term, I’ll post a blog dedicated to my goals. Constantly measuring my progress helps me stay on track.

Once again, Happy New Year!

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