On Tuesday evening the corrections officer informed me that I would be leaving Tallahassee for Pensacola very early on Wednesday morning. I was thrilled to be leaving the hold-over facility. The corrections officer woke us up at 2:00 a.m. and we were taken down to receiving and discharge for processing. We were strip searched, placed in paper traveling clothes, hand cuffed, leg shackled and led on to the bus. Breakfast was a stale mystery meat sandwich. We made several stops along the way, first at a county jail, and then at a Federal Correctional Institute in Marianna, Florida. We picked up and discharged prisoners at both locations. The guys from Marianna were a rather rough bunch and I did my best to ignore them.

The trip took a long, long time. We arrived at Pensacola around 10:00 a.m. so the 150 mile trip took approximately 7 hours to complete. (Which is why they call the bus rides diesel therapy).

The staff at Pensacola were pleasant and efficient. We were again strip searched and issued new clothing. We were then medically screened by a nurse and we talked briefly with a counselor. The whole process took less than 2 hours.
My new cellie was very unhappy to see me. He has been living alone for a long time and (according to him) I am infringing on his “space”. He assumed that I was new to prison and that He could bully me into seeking an immediate bunk reassignment. I was tempted to tell him to drop dead and die but I remained calm. This is one of those awkward prison situations where you have to be respectful yet firm so the other guy knows He is not going to be able to walk all over you. I think my cellie got the message. So far, things in Pensacola (other than my cellie) seem to be ok. I am going off to explore my new environment. If things go according to plan, today’s trip should be my last diesel therapy session, and that is a good thing

My new address is as follows;

Kenneth Flaska 50000-039
Federal Prison Camp
P.O. Box 3949
Pensacola, FL. 32516

Ken Flaska

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