My favorite quote from the movie A River Run’s Through It is, “A Methodist is just a Baptist who can read and write.”

However, if you if you have a question about the Bible, seek out a Baptist. A Methodist though might be good at discipleship training. For social justice, seek out a Franciscan Catholic. To learn about evangelism, seek out a member of the LDS Church. For which wine to order with dinner, seek out an Episcopalian. Oh wait, that’s neither fair nor accurate. It’s not wine during dinner, but Scotch before.

With apologies to my Episcopalian friends who can take a bad joke, the real question is who should I seek out if I want to learn about mediation? Yep, you guessed it–a Buddhist. Honestly my Episcopalian friends would probably be the most open to during just that.

So that’s what I did. A small group meets for meditation every Thursday from 12:15-1:30 pm. It’s led by a Buddhist volunteer from Austin and has been a very worthwhile exercise for me. I still tend to occasionally fall asleep, which those who know my church history would call that a “typical worship experience” for me.

But I’m working on it. It’s a practice which requires practice, so I expect it to take time. I’ll keep you posted.

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