Saturday, March 26, 2011

I love running The Michael G. Santos Foundation! Running the Foundation, together with my consulting firm Etika, LLC, provides a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment I have never known.  I love the creative process, and I love collaborating with people who share a similar vision. Our vision, of course, will be articulated on the Foundation’s website at My web team at Imagination Works and I are making real strides on the site, and we are expecting to go live next week. It is all happening. Our site will clearly define the objectives of the Foundation. Any Foundation or business must have an easily readable and practical mission statement. Our mission statement, which will be plastered on the home page of the site, is posted below.

Mission Statement:

The Michael G. Santos Foundation aspires to build safer communities. To work toward such a mission, it develops programs that prepare adult offenders for reentry into society as law-abiding citizens. Additionally, it develops programs to introduce strategies at-risk youth may embrace in their pursuit of contributing and fulfilling lives as responsible citizens.

I would like to thank everyone who has chosen to support the Foundation and our efforts. For those who have in interest in volunteering or donating to our cause, please contact me at 818.424.2220 or send an e-mail to


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