October 4, 2012

I feel compelled to write a blog mostly because I am shocked that so many months have passed since my last. In prison, I wrote a blog every day. Without fail, I pulled out my bic pen that I had purchased in the commissary for 38 cents, and wrote something. Now, though, I am spending most of my days speaking, and running the Michael G. Santos Foundation. Things have gotten busier since my friend Michael Santos was released. I continue to be grateful for the numerous speaking opportunities that come my way. In the last few weeks, I spoke at a fraud conference in Orlando, FL hosted by Audit World. Then I visited Philadelphia to speak at Temple University and Saint Joseph’s University. From Philly I went to Canisius College in Buffalo. I had a wonderful time visiting Niagara Falls. Tomorrow I will speak at large money management conference in Los Angeles. After my event in Los Angeles I am off to Hawaii for 8 days–this will be my first vacation since entering the justice system in 2005.  On Oct 17, I will travel to Pittsburgh to speak at Carlow University, University of Pittsburgh, and Duquesne University. Then to complete the non-stop travel I will head to New York for a week and lecture at a handful of universities and business schools. See, no time to blog!

I look forward to blogging more when my schedule allows. For those defendants struggling through the justice system, and who have emailed me asking for more blogs highlighting my journey through the system, I direct you to my books, or to the work of Michael Santos at MichaelSantos.net. Or you may call me with questions at 818-424-2220.

Thank you,

Justin Paperny

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